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Doms Geommy Mathematical Drawing Instrument Box | Ensures Accuracy & Perfection


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Product Description

A geometry box, also known as a geometry kit or geometry set, is a collection of tools used for drawing and measuring geometric shapes. It’s commonly used in schools for mathematics and geometry classes. Here are some typical items you might find in a geometry box:

  1. Compass: For drawing circles and arcs.
  2. Protractor: For measuring and drawing angles.
  3. Ruler: For measuring lengths and drawing straight lines.
  4. Set Squares: Usually a 45-degree and a 60-degree set square, used for drawing perpendicular and other specific angles.
  5. Divider: For measuring distances or transferring measurements.
  6. Eraser: Often included to correct mistakes.
  7. Pencil: Used for drawing and marking.
  8. Sharpener: For keeping the pencil in good condition.
